Yellow Roses
Posted on January 16 2017
When I envisioned this Yellow Rose journey playing out, I didn't envision working full-time, running the kids to practice, fixing dinner, homework, bedtime, then once the kids were in bed...screen printing and running an extra business till all hours of the night, so that I could wake up in the morning and post a picture of a cute girl in a shirt and say, "Hey, you need this, come and get it!"

But there comes a time when God is pushing and prodding and you are thinking and dreaming and wishing....that you just have to take the first step and jump. Even when it's not perfect and even when it's not everything you envisioned....yet.

I have to let you know, I don't want to share much as I really want to share my heart. Yellow Rose & Co is an outlet where I can be creative, which is something I feel God wired me to do. It is a way for me to connect...with you, which is also something I feel God wired me to do :) It's a way for me to encourage others and make others feel beautiful, I hope. It's about trusting God and walking through a door He has opened, even when I can't really see what the outcome may be. It's about being in community with others, and taking things you love, and sharing them.
I also have to share with you, I came up with the name Yellow Rose & Co, not because it would make a cute boutique name, but because yellow roses are so very special to me. Yellow Roses are special to me because every time I see one, I think of my Gran. And every time I think of my Gran, I think of everything it means to be a beautiful, strong and spirit-filled woman. I think of how she has shaped the women in my family and how much of her lives inside of me even though she is no longer here. So many of us have access to inspiration and motivation, and we really don't have to look so far. Yellow roses to me are beautiful yes, just like all flowers are, but to me they are beautiful because they connect me with the thought of a person who made me feel so loved, cherished and beautiful.

And so it is with this new Yellow Rose & Co journey, I am having so much fun sharing new clothes with you, and I am also thankful for each and every one of you who have purchased something pretty from the shop and have encouraged me along the way. I put so much thought into each and everything I post, because I only want to offer things I truly love. I know it's just the beginning, but my real prayer is that this journey opens up opportunities for me to connect with you on a heart level -- the shopping for clothes, well...that's just a bonus :) To me this is about the way we look on the outside, being a reflection of the way we feel on the inside. It's about ALL of us feeling loved, cherished and beautiful.

From now on things may look a little different around here. I will be blogging my thoughts from time to time, and I will be posting "real" photos. Yellow Rose & Co will hopefully be more of a window into my life, and a way for us to connect and have fun together! I am learning and tweaking along the way, and I'm so excited to see how it goes. I guess I have this fear of being just another boutique. My dream is for this little bitty company to do some pretty big things one day. I appreciate your feedback, and I want to thank you ALL for being a part!
All my love! xoxo- Lindsey
Where are you located? Do you ever do festivals? And, do you have any more of the long sleeve floral dress that you are wearing?
Proud of you. I dig those shirts. You making any men’s style??
Would love to see!
Yellow roses are my fav! They’re my fav because of my granny too. She is my rock, my inspiration, and a wonderful mentor and testimony of faith. Thanks for sharing!
Would like to see your clothes!!!